Blue is the Warmest Color Review

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Oh man this movie. This one made me tear up a little bit at the end. It's an indie french drama film about a bi sexual school girl who falls in love with a blue haired tomboy. It's basically about her love life. The French title for this film is actually La Vie d'Adèle Chapitres 1 & 2 which translates in English to The Life of Adèle Chapters 1 & 2. Adèle is the main character the school girl. They describe this movie as an LGBT coming of age romance drama which explains it perfectly. She wanted to be a teacher so she becomes a teacher and moves in with her girlfriend who is an artist. They have their ups and downs and there's a couple amateur lesbian sex scenes in this one so just keep that in mind on who you watch it with. The ending is sad but I don't want to give away any spoilers so go check it out for yourself.

The movie came out in 2013 and was written, produced, and directed by Abdellatif Kechiche and stars Léa Seydoux and Adèle Exarchopoulos. I'm not really one for chick flicks but I did watch this one because the title interested me. I already knew it was a lesbian romance movie but yeah the title is what drew me into watching it. It is in French with subtitles as well just so you know. It moves fairly slowly but not too slow to make you bored of it which is a good thing because to be honest I usually get bored quick with korny romance scenes but this movie did it well. There were a couple times with no music which is an indicator that what the character is saying will be important and it creates tension and when you see the leads school friends and they do that you know they are going to say something nasty or nosey which makes you either listen closely for the drama or makes you hate those characters which leads you to be more empathic with the main character which is great for a drama film so they knew what they were doing.

Artistic indie films especially french ones (imho) seem to have a lot of meaningful symbolism like a good painting does that gives this some good replay value as you can come back to it from time to time and see a new meaning in the film which all great art does. Things like them mentioning Pablo Picasso who had his "blue period", the lighting being blue in the gay bar where Adèle meets Emma and Emma changing her hair color from blue to blonde towards the end of the film when the relationship starts to wane from its peak or the fact that they frequently have them eating a simple spaghetti when they have an enjoyable get-together be it with the art friends or with Adèle's parents. The blue I would believe is symbolic of something like the English title is a riddle to be solved. But art is always in the eye of the beholder so the things I mention you may not agree with and you may have your own opinion on what it means and that's what makes it so great I think.

I encourage you to watch this and find out for yourself what you think of the film. This is a gem of a film. Even if I don't like chick flicks I can appreciate what they did with this one it's like 3 hours long and if I can easily get through it I bet you can. ;)

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