Idle Banter

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Welp first blog post right hurr. Don't have anything planned just wanna make a blog for fun, pass the time, share some experiences, feel like I accomplished something that sorta thing. I'm no marketing genius so don't expect to get much views or anything so just gonna be myself and have fun. I called it hipster Trapeze Cuz I have an affinity for the circus and I always joke about being a hipster Cuz I seem to do things before they become cool I don't boast about it or anything I'm  just like "psh that's old hat son"  and I tend to know all these obscure artistic weird things no one's ever heard of before.  Idk I kinda like it that way though you know. Guess that makes me a hipster whatever that even means *rolls eyes*
I made a horror blog a couple years ago but blogger is weird won't let me sign in and haven't figured out how to hack it yet so I made a whole new one that's not so specific just a kinda "me" blog to get my feelings out or something idk just gonna go with the flow and wing it. First couple posts will be backups of my original posts you can find here: I watch a ton of movies and Listen to music all the time,  play video games. I kinda have this thing I love old Skool horror and scifi stuff the kornier and faker the better imo Cuz it makes me giggle. Love old kung fu too with the overuse of cheap sound effects and the horrible dubbing. I really love Good art in all forms be it a painting a song a film even video games can be artistic and avant garde so I in a way you could call me an art collector. That's what I'm about so that's what I'm gonna write about k. Aight bai.


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