I have an affinity for playing cards. I think the whole aesthetic is cool and I have a small collection of decks that I'll be showing you.
First of let's go through some uses for playing cards. Let's go back in time a bit. Playing cards origins mankind doesn't actually know the true origin of them but our farthest back records go to chinese stone plaques being the first deck of cards then it was later developed to bet more hand held and was spread by traveling soldiers. There's been a bunch of different versions of the suits. We currently use a medieval french deck (being of mostly french heritage myself I think that's pretty cool).
A little known fact is that the playing card deck we are all familiar with is essentially a more simplified version of the tarot. We don't even know which one came first do your guess is as good as mine the only difference is that tarot used major and minor arcana to separate the trumps from the minor suit cards and has a name for each major trump while regular playing cards is just the complete minor arcana cards using different names for the face cards.
You can use either style decks to play games like black jack, crazy eights , go fish etc. or you can get specialized decks made up of certain cards for certain card games like wizard adds a card called the wizard and pinochle uses 4 sets of 9-A I believe. So stuff like that. Then there's card magic tricks that can be easy to learn but difficult to master. I know a couple and tbh the sneaky moves don't always go so well but most of the time I can fool them and they always have a smile on their face all excited so it's a good thing to learn a couple card tricks imho.
You can learn cardistry which goes along with the whole stage magic thing. Basically it's handling the cards a fancy way like not everyone card shuffle the deck in one hand or make a triforce in your hands in 2 seconds with the cards that's cardistry. It also is easy to learn but hard to master because this takes muscle memory and finesse to accomplish I can do a handful of tricks I've showed people. Some can do it too right away some drop the cards everytime. It takes practice. The last main use for cards is naturally divination the term is "cartomancy" there's a system of corresponding meanings for every card and ofttimes even whether it's upside down or right side up and the meanings can be the same or different depending on the deck because the idea is that there are certain spiritual forces governing the response of the cards dealt. That's why psychics keep them in black velvet bags that protect from Spirits, light protection and psychic candles and such. I personally use the standard meanings for all the cards no matter which deck it is regardless if its playing cards or tarot Cuz the playing cards have a corresponding tarot card so I use that meaning. There is a standard meaning that most decks used that comes from the most popular deck the Rider-Waite deck. Most commercial tarot decks are more themed artistic recreations of that deck but it's not always the case.
Here are my decks tarot first then playing decks: [will do after work]
Deviant Moon Tarot |
The Tarot of Vampyres |
Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi |
The Ultimate Deck |
Ask Alexander Deck |
Hi My Name Is Mark Deck |
Bicycle Sideshow Freaks Decck |
Tim Burtons Playing Cards |
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