Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Review

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

I love this movie to bits. As you can imagine from the title "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" it's a science fiction comedy film and its definitely one of the best if not the best of the genre. Its based off the book of the same name written by douglas adams which is part of a whole series the books are: "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy", "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe", "Life, The Universe and Everything", "So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish" and "Mostly Harmless". This Movie makes use of bits of all the books but focuses on the main story from the book of the same name. I imagine they didn't get a contract to make all the books into seperate films so to do it any justice they had to make due and do the best they could. You have to give them credit for that. If you have never read the books and like scifi comedy you will definitely like this one if you read all the books you'll get all the little things they put in the movie but might be a tad disappointed they didn't do more.

The film came out in 2005 its "British-American" directed by Garth Jennings and stars Martin Freeman, Sam Rockwell, Mos Def and the lovely Zooey Deschanel. The story is about Arthur Dent a human whos planet gets destroyed by aliens but is rescued by this journalist for this repository of knowledge the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and his adventures in space and on other planets that have shocking parallels with things he experienced while on earth. Throughout the film you get snippets of entries in the guide which was fun to watch when you see the guidebook you know theres going to be some silly story going on to describe an alien race or how to react to an event. The whole thing has a fun whimsical attitude about it. Its intellectual humour any geek can appreciate.

I do have to say the beginning may confuse some. It starts out with the video resolution being small like a home video on a bad digital camera then the screen gets bigger to the normal widescreen or full screen version we are used to seeing. The pan out shows you that they made it small on porpoise but you might not enjoy the beginning bit for that reason. The rest of the movie is engaging and interesting. Theres always a new creative gag happening which makes this movie such a treat to watch all throughout. The slower parts you may find boring but those are few. There is action, adventure, romance, comedy all things that make a movie easy to watch for either gender. I really like this movie alot its an instant cult classic for scifi just like the fifth element is and if you like scifi comedy like I do this is a must have for your collection. I'll even go as far as to say it can even help you cheer up on a bad day.

That is my review have at it give it a try go buy it on amazon do the things.

Youtube Trailer
Youtube Movie
Rotten Tomatoes
Amazon Listing


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