The movie is about her dream walking travels all shaman status finding out things that happened in the dream world with a wolf spirit guide and everything always being chased by death which appears as the horse headed guy. So shes unraveling the mysteries of her family thats the mystery part. It is obviously horror because of all the scary things with the horse guy and another guy but that you'll have to see yourself and I say psyche thriller because it deals alot with the mind and lucid dreaming and it isn't always apparent straight away whether shes dreaming or not or whats going on in the dream because dreams can be very abstract you know so that's another thing you gotta unravel yourself while watching the movie. Movies like this always challenge you like a riddle to figure out whats even going on let alone the task of completing the puzzle of the plot putting all the events together you know then at the end culminating but yet not explaining everything and possibly you even overlooked something thinking about something else and that gives this movie alot of replay value. You can watch this again and again to try to figure out more of whats going on.
I have to say some of the shots are fantastically done like way cool. The music in the movie is all of the dark ambient variety, lots of sub bass tones and strange soundscapes to create that kind of horrifying atmosphere while showing you dark and grotesque scenes and trippy dreamscapes. There is one thing though about the dreams that I didn't much like which was the fact most of the dreams she wakes up in she wakes up in her bed which from my experience you never become conscious in your dreams waking up out of your bed its usually somewhere else and you just think your'e awake yet you don't realize you just kinda popped up somewhere with no recollection before that moment. Perhaps that's just me but yeah I didn't think that was very realistic to lucid dreaming but I can understand they did that for the effect of the shot which looks great and also attempts to fool you at whether she is waking up for real or not but still that is my opinion on that.
To wrap up this is a great psychological thriller, a scary trippy gorey movie that doesn't overdo the gore but uses it to great use to make it even scarier not something to watch alone at midnight. There is some sex in it mostly her bathing which isn't as sexual but there is a weird incest part that was kinda like yuck but it's all to add to the experience of horsehead you know. So if you like weird horror films this is definitely a must. Very true to some other great french horror films iv'e seen that's for sure. Aight get outta hurr and go watch it already!
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