Neco Z Alenky Review

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

This is an odd one. Neco Z Alenky (Something from Alice) is a 1988 Czech Rendition of Alice in Wonderland written and directed by Jan Švankmajer with little Alice being played by Kristýna Kohoutová. Now I don't know if I would show a child this movie because they might get scared when they see that alice turns into a creepy porcelain doll or that when she gets stuck in the white rabbits house he tries to saw off her arm and then sends skeletons of animals to eat her... That's whats in this movie. It definitely is bizarre and a it morbid. There isn't really any music in it just loud sound effects that seem a little too over-the-top and overdone. 

Alices voice is used for all the other characters that have voices as if shes narrating her own story and when she personally talks its usually a close up of her lips which is kind of weird. The effects to create the animals movement is stop motion with animal skeletons and taxidermied animals. Maybe a child wouldn't notice any of this stuff and just dismiss it and watch the movie but only a really small child I would think. Most others would probably think it was creepy and scary and most people probably wont enjoy this stop motion film made with a bunch of dead animals and a little russian girl but teens and adults with an inkling towards the macabre will probably think this is badass. Its a really bizarre movie that probably only goths and weirdos will love. I wouldn't watch it with family members or lovers unless they like that sort of thing because they might think you're crazy for even knowing about this movie. Just tell them some guy on the internet showed it to you and they might be a bit more sympathetic lol.

Maybe in the late 80s stuff like this in eastern europe might have been more accepted and commonplace but today its taboo and will give negative connotations to it but its a unique film and it stays more true to the book than most other alice in wonderland remakes but also fills in those parts from the book with weird happenings and it will probably scare if not creep out a good ammount of people in todays times young and old. I would recommend watching this while going to bed. It's a more slow moving peaceful chaos type of movie.


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