Video Formats

Sunday, August 9, 2015

So let's discuss video formats. The pros the cons the "mmm I dunno"s.
1. Projectors
I can't say much about projector film because well I don't have one. I have seen home movies on a projector before the video quality was obviously shit but you could make a very big display by moving the projector around. The film deteriorates and if you scratch it with your nails you can see it affecting the picture. You don't have any noise either do you'll have to make one up or play a tape or maybe a record on a phonograph turn table idk.
2. VHS Tapes
Next we have VHS Tapes. Now being a 90s baby I grew up with vhs tapes and still have our whole original tape collection plus some new ones. In modern times in 2015 vhs is veeeerrryyy outdated here no one uses them no one has a vcr even though walmart sells dvd vcr combos ppl just buy a dvd player or a Bluray player or a combo of that. You can get vcrs at thrift stores like good will too for usually 5 bucks a pop but half of them don't work so you gotta find a good one that still works lol. I have a pretty good vcr I'd say and with my TV setup I can have it plugged in all the time because it uses a cable cord not auxiliary3/5 or hdmi which most other things use nowadays so that cable port is always available for miscellaneous retro gear like my vcr.
The VHS Cassette Tapes are really durable. A DVD is vulnerable to scratches and dust and shit and it will ruin your disc if you're not careful. Albeit tapes aren't the most compact things I have something like 6 boxes of tapes in my closet right now but the main pro with vhs are they are longer lasting than future formats. I have tapes from the 80s that still work perfectly fine I don't think you could say that about a 30 year old dvd.
The issue you will have with tapes is its not the best quality but movies in the 80 and 90s weren't filmed in the best quality either. It wasn't till later that we could digitally master those old movie and bring them up to par got modern video standards. There's a sense of nostalgia though to tapes that definitely make it worth the trouble to keep your old tapes. Some movies aren't even on dvd and Bluray yet that are on vhs. Plus the cost is cheap a tape nowadays will be 25 cents to 2 dollars a piece. I haven't seen one more expensive than that. Those old movies you cherished also will put a smile on your face watching them guaranteed.
Vhs piracy also was not that difficult you could buy blank recordable tapes at the store then while watching TV record the tv broadcast to the tape. You obviously had to have cable TV if you wanted the good stuff but you could also get a disc slot vcr that could essentially copy one video to another. One plays one records. Go rent your blockbuster movies on the cheap and record your own bootleg copy on another. That simple. It also meant you could pick and choose what you wanted to be recorded on your Tape Cuz you just start and stop the record button.  Easy.
3. DVD Discs
DVDs. Boy do I have a million and one of those. So This is the industry standard and has been for at least 10 years now. You can get almost any movie on dvd nowadays. The video quality is fine is not HD but more like 480p-720p quality video which isn't bad at all. You got menus to cycle through the media on the disc which you don't have on vhs and you can even program games into a dvd menu which is pretty cool. Makes owning a dvd more interactive and worth while than vhs because you get more stuff to do involved with the media. The size of a disc is small so you can easily store alot of them in a small area unlike vhs. The bad thing is they aren't very durable it's all recorded on the bottom of the disc sometimes it's even double sided and if you scratch it or get your greasy hands on it or leave it in the sun too long or let it collect dust it might not work and it'll skip and your video is ruined which is a major drag especially if it's a rare or expensive movie.
Pirating to DVD is also not that difficult and might even have some perks. You can rip a dvd to either the TS files or to one single video file. It doesn't work with every movie but most it does work with. There is software out there like DVDShrink for example that knows the encryption key put on DVDs that can decrypt and extract the data from a dvd. If you want just the movie export it to a digital file format like avi, mp4 or mkv. If you want to make a complete copy of the dvd menus and all then extract the ts video and audio files and write that to a blank dvd. Not that hard doesn't work every time but is a decently straight forward process.
4. Digital Video
So digital is probably gonna be your most common form of video seen nowadays other than dvd. Basically the digital video is going to be the result of hacking and  pirating let's be honest that's what's going on isn't it.  The pros to digital is its easiest to get you can get it from home, takes up the least physical space but requires a large amount of digital space you can play it on things like play station, xbox, smart tvs, you can even open a netshare and stream it to your TV from a device. Some tvs even have that built in. You can also easily get an external hard drive that has a lot of memory so tit can store all your movies on that it'll cost you like 100 bucks but it's cheaper than buying enough dvds to fill up a terabyte hard drive. You can also get really creative with digital video because it's digital you can edit and chop it up to make your own compilation videos like the infamous "AMV" or "Anime Music Video" that plagues youtube lol. Speaking of which youtube piracy is a big thing and easy as shit to do. People upload full movies there nonstop if you search a movie chances are there's an official pay2play video and a free pirate version right under it. If you just wanna watch anything then search for full movie and look at the length of the videos and the title and description to see if it's a legit full movie or not then you can extract the flv or mp4* file from the youtube stream sometimes even up to 1080p HD movies straight from YouTube. Otherwise you're probably using bit torrent to get your video files.
5. Blu-Ray Discs
40GB of data on one blue disc is the best format you can get today. It's been around long enough to have a 5 dollar bin at Walmart and new enough to charge 40 dollars and up for a single new release movie. It's HD. It's the best video quality we can get under 5k video. The thing is though if you still have your dvd player from 2002 and your big 90s tv you can't watch them. You need an HD TV and a bluray player. I have a 1080i lcd tv from like 2006 or something and I have a ps3 do I can play my Blurays even though it's older equipment.
That's what's going on with bluray the piracy works the same kinda way as dvd I would imagine I've seen tools that work the same way but you know i haven't done it and i dont know anyone who does it so can't tell you what that's like. Most people still work with dvd exclusively. Bluray and vhs not so common right now. The files on the computer are alot bigger those are 40 gb discs and their files are around the same usually like 36GB.
So that's what I have to say about that


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