Freakshow 2007 Revamp Review

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Backup of original blog post found here.

Freakshow the 2007 Indie film by Asylum Studios directed by Drew Bell is a remake of a classic horror called Freaks made in 1932 bringing you a chilling and slightly demented view of a traveling circus and freakshow and the psychotic residents therein.

The story goes that a local gang of thieves plans to cheat the freakshow and make it big. The female of the group plans to Whoo the ringleader, kill em and take the cash but they lose their heads kill a freak and they take brutal revenge. The ending is the most gruesome! >:)
So my opinion of this film..

Well to be quite frank the cameras were kinda cheap screwing up the lighting at times. The story was fine but the korny drama aspect of this movie made it a little boring. The big shocker suddenly happens at the end leaving you horrified and disgusted at the same time. I would recommend watching it at least once to see how it turns out but I wouldn't recommend spending money on it unless you're a collector.

Its more of a teenager movie lots of just talking gossip drama and sex but once again the ending takes a very sadistic turn for the creepy. It ends like a good ghost story would but getting there is a lazy mans battle. Just stick through it.

Something cool to point out is in the beginning they show a bunch of old pictures of freaks from the depression age I believe. Pretty cool stuff. Of coarse I use the term in a powerful sense. Nothing wrong with being different or having skills! ;)


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